parasight (upcoming)

parasight grows out of a faded faith in the future. If previous generations worked for a better future, today that seems uncertain, perhaps even impossible to imagine. How can we create a present that remembers the apocalypses that humanity has already caused? What does that do to our future imagining? And how does an image of the future—or the absence of an image—direct our present?

parasight combines dance with interactive sculptures that respond to touch by sounding or lighting up. The sculptures create systems—which over time become overloaded until they finally collapse. The work embodies a reciprocity between people and technology that leads to mutual destruction. Yet the ends don't end. parasight choreographs both an apocalypse and a plausible future.

parasight will premiere in 2024. More information coming soon.

Residencies: Riksteatern Stockholm 2024, MDT Stockholm 2023, Balettakademien Stockholm 2023

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