They let words meet their body. The flesh of language moulds its porous form from inside. Words shape their substance into a specific body; a fictitious reality of change. This body; time poured; and then that body. They shift, and the space shifts too; together they leak into a new situation, another fiction: realities redrawn as they move through them.
cheating discipline and other artistic affairs is a joint journey through weak fictions. Slowly, different temporalities and proximities develop – subtle realities embedded in layers of darkness. Moving through social, imaginary, linguistic and sensorial bodies without faithful continuation, the piece creates manifold affairs. Adulterous contracts, seductive leakings and intimate ways of spending time together come to exists within, but in deception of, disciplinary order. Cheating Discipline and Other Artistic Affairs is in one way a porous body in itself, continuously leaking from its given form and changing, again and again.
In cheating discipline and other artistic affairs four dancers oscillate in-between presences and absences, proposing a space somewhere in-between. The piece unfolds into darkness. Initially, blackouts frame the performance in images. The drawings on the floor are made with glow-in-the-dark chalk, and the costume pour dyed with glow-in-the-dark paint. Over the course of the performance, the blackouts grow longer, slowly swallowing the light. In the darkness, a parallel narrative unfold, materialising another reality. Glowing creatures move in a glowing space. The tonality of which fiction is more real shifts, as the order of light over darkness is inverted. The work unfolds an intimate imaginary world, as it accompanies the audience on a journey destined for the dark.
With and by Maia Means, Amina Szecsödy, Oda Brekke and Gry Tingskog
Concept and choreography Gry Tingskog
Sculpture, costume, light and sound Gry Tingskog
Trailer Fredrik Wåhlstedt and Gry Tingskog
Photos Fredrik Wåhlstedt
Co-produced by Weld. With support from Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden.
Previous performances:
Weld Stockholm 2019
Köttinspektionen Uppsala 2019
Dansmässan 2019
Pluss Plus /Black Box Theatre Oslo
International Performing Arts Festival, Warehouse9 Copenhagen
DOCH Stockholm
cheating discipline and other artistic affairs premiered in 2017, was reworked and premiered 2019 at Weld.